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4  June 2024 -  Sir Berkeley back at Middleton

Photo by Geordie Brown

Sir Berkeley is back at Middleton and is once again operational following further repairs to the steam pipe.  It is intended to use the engine over the next few weekends, weather permitting.

Please check the Middleton Railway website to make sure the engine is running before making a special journey.

23  April 2024 -  Sir Berkeley at Beamish UPDATE

Unfortunately, Sir Berkeley has failed with a steam pipe problem, and has been withdrawn from service with immediate effect.

19  April 2024 -  Sir Berkeley steaming dates at Beamish

Photo courtesy Beamish Museum

There has been a great deal of interest in the visit of Manning Wardle No.1210 Sir Berkeley to Beamish.  Here are the dates that the locomotive is hoped to operate it in the Colliery.  As ever, usual caveats about being ‘subject to availability’ etc. apply, but the museum will do its very best to ensure it is out on these days:

April: 22, 23 and 27

May: 4 and 6

Members wishing to see the loco should check the Beamish website.


1 January 2024 -  VCT listed in Steam Railway Award


The Heritage Railway Association annual awards ceremony, this year, will take place in February. One award, The Steam Railway Magazine Award, is decided by a public vote. This year there are 10 nominees, one of which is The Middleton Railway/Vintage Carriages Trust, for the overhaul of Sir Berkeley.

If you wish to register your vote, go to:

The Steam Railway Award: Your chance to vote - Steam Railway

Voting closes 18th January 2024




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